The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first it says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness. I am in the drivers seat of my own destiny, not just a passenger."
To be proactive is to make sure you are making yourself happy and what is good for you. Ans being proactive can bring you many benefits and good things your way,. and will also show that your are responsible. Like for example being part of a club or helping with other things
Habit 2: Begin with end in mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intended to end up, you know where you are now."
What this means is to always start with a clear vision of your desired destination and destination, and then continue don't stop to make it to your destination to make things happen. Keep heading for what you want and never give up until you find your way and get what you want. And always be positive tours what you're going to.
Habit 3: Put first things fist
"Organize and execute around priorities."
What this means is to do the most important things first of your life that will benefit you in good things. And also to be clear on your priorities and acting on them
Habit 4: Think win-Win
"Think Win-Win or no deal."
To Think Win-Win for me is to be cooperitive arena, not a competitive one. It also seeks it also seeks mutual benefits in all human interaction. But what it really means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying.Like for example Me and my bother got half and half of the pie and it taste so delicious.
The four Dimentions of self-Renewal: physical.mental, spiritual, social/emotional
What this means is to presereve and enchance the greatest asset you have. Like for example in Physical we do benificial eating, exercising, and resting. Social/Emotional we tried to unite and connect the others. To be mental is to learn read and write not only to teach you but others. And for Spiritual we spend time in nature, expanding spiritual self through meditation, music,art, prayer, or service.
Reflection: The 7 habbits of being an Effective people is to make your own decisions and dont let others change that for you and that is to be proactive. To begin with end in mind is tro strart with a clear vision and know where you're heading and never give up. To put things firs is to do the most imortant things in your life first and leave things at last that wont help you but get distracted and waste your time.
Habit 2: Begin with end in mind
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
"When you know where you intended to end up, you know where you are now."
What this means is to always start with a clear vision of your desired destination and destination, and then continue don't stop to make it to your destination to make things happen. Keep heading for what you want and never give up until you find your way and get what you want. And always be positive tours what you're going to.
Habit 3: Put first things fist
"Organize and execute around priorities."
What this means is to do the most important things first of your life that will benefit you in good things. And also to be clear on your priorities and acting on them
Habit 4: Think win-Win
"Think Win-Win or no deal."
To Think Win-Win for me is to be cooperitive arena, not a competitive one. It also seeks it also seeks mutual benefits in all human interaction. But what it really means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying.Like for example Me and my bother got half and half of the pie and it taste so delicious.
Habit 5: Seek first to understan,then to be understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe"
What this habbit means is that communication is the most important skill in life. For example know someone before talking bad about them. Ande hear,see before sayiong or doing.
Habbit 6: Synergize
What this means is working together of two things to produce a result greater than the sum of their individual effects. Is like when people work together or come to an agreement they make the resilts better and finish on time. But most importanlt is Knowing your team, Listening, Communicating Goals, communicating progress, and playing fair.
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
What this means is to presereve and enchance the greatest asset you have. Like for example in Physical we do benificial eating, exercising, and resting. Social/Emotional we tried to unite and connect the others. To be mental is to learn read and write not only to teach you but others. And for Spiritual we spend time in nature, expanding spiritual self through meditation, music,art, prayer, or service.
Reflection: The 7 habbits of being an Effective people is to make your own decisions and dont let others change that for you and that is to be proactive. To begin with end in mind is tro strart with a clear vision and know where you're heading and never give up. To put things firs is to do the most imortant things in your life first and leave things at last that wont help you but get distracted and waste your time.